Dear Stephen,
Thanks for your reply. I see:
[acampove@thinkbook rx_fitter]$ sudo dnf module install nvidia-driver:latest --nobest
Last metadata expiration check: 1:37:40 ago on Tue 25 Feb 2025 05:34:12 PM CST.
Problem 1: conflicting requests
- package nvidia-kmod-common-3:570.86.10-1.el9.noarch from cuda-rhel9-x86_64 requires nvidia-kmod = 3:570.86.10, but none of the providers can be installed
thanks for the full output.
Is that what you meant? I am in China, BTW, maybe there is some network issue.
OK so the problem looks like something is off with the repository you are trying to download from but I don't know if it is a CDN issue in China or something else. Modularity is fragile and it could be multiple items outside of Alma or your power to fix.
I would try the following:
dnf module list nvidia-driver
and see if there are other streams than 'latest' available. If there are, try installing one and see if it errors out also. If it works then you have a solution for the time being. If it doesn't I would say try looking for a contact on the nvidia website and explain the problem you are seeing with where you are located etc. They may have a bad CDN copy which you are getting pointed to or some other issue.