Is it safe to assume you did this custom and not with ELevate?

On Wed, Aug 10, 2022 at 11:18 AM Stephen Beckwith <> wrote:
  I'm trying to upgrade (update) a very old CentOS7 setup.  I have, I think, successfully updated the CentOS7 to CentOS8.  The /etc/redhat-release file says 8.5, kernel version however is still 3.10, so I might have messed up some steps.  Also, this CentOS7 was a KDE custom setup.   During this process, I was running out of the GUI/DE - which at a point reverted to CLI only (inside a VMWare Workstation 16.2.x Virtual Machine).  I have tried to get KDE installed, but alas, no joy.  
  So I decided to follow the upgrade path to Alma Linux.  Following the instructions on GitHub, when I run the script, I get:

Verify almalinux-relesae-latest.rpm package  ERROR (in red)
details say: RSA sha1 ((MD5) PGP) md5 NO OK MISSING KEYS: (MD5) PGP#c21ad6ea)

Any assistance you could provide would be greatly appreciated. 
I thank you for your time and expertise. 

Stephen Beckwith

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