Hi, You are receiving an AlmaLinux Bugfix update email because you subscribed to receive errata notifications from AlmaLinux. AlmaLinux: 8 Type: Bugfix Severity: None Release date: 2023-09-15 Summary: Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is a remote display system which allows users to view a computing desktop environment not only on the machine where it is running, but from anywhere on the Internet and from a wide variety of machine architectures. TigerVNC is a suite of VNC servers and clients. Bug Fix(es) and Enhancement(s): * AlmaLinux8.5 Request to backport fix for endianness issue in TigerVNC vncviewer (BZ#2029319) Full details, updated packages, references, and other related information: https://errata.almalinux.org/8/ALBA-2022-0351.html This message is automatically generated, please don’t reply. For further questions, please, contact us via the AlmaLinux community chat: https://chat.almalinux.org/. Want to change your notification settings? Sign in and manage mailing lists on https://lists.almalinux.org. Kind regards, AlmaLinux Team