Hi, You are receiving an AlmaLinux Security update email because you subscribed to receive errata notifications from AlmaLinux. AlmaLinux: 9 Type: Security Severity: Moderate Release date: 2023-11-14 Summary: The cloud-init packages provide a set of init scripts for cloud instances. Cloud instances need special scripts to run during initialization to retrieve and install SSH keys, and to let the user run various scripts. Security Fix(es): * cloud-init: sensitive data could be exposed in logs (CVE-2023-1786) For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section. Additional Changes: For detailed information on changes in this release, see the AlmaLinux Release Notes linked from the References section. Full details, updated packages, references, and other related information: https://errata.almalinux.org/9/ALSA-2023-6371.html This message is automatically generated, please don’t reply. For further questions, please, contact us via the AlmaLinux community chat: https://chat.almalinux.org/. Want to change your notification settings? Sign in and manage mailing lists on https://lists.almalinux.org. Kind regards, AlmaLinux Team