[Security Advisory] ALSA-2024:2550: buildah bug fix update (Moderate)

Hi, You are receiving an AlmaLinux Security update email because you subscribed to receive errata notifications from AlmaLinux. AlmaLinux: 9 Type: Security Severity: Moderate Release date: 2024-05-07 Summary: The buildah package provides a tool for facilitating building OCI container images. Among other things, buildah enables you to: Create a working container, either from scratch or using an image as a starting point; Create an image, either from a working container or using the instructions in a Dockerfile; Build both Docker and OCI images. Bug Fix(es): * TRIAGE CVE-2024-24786 buildah: golang-protobuf: encoding/protojson, internal/encoding/json: infinite loop in protojson.Unmarshal when unmarshaling certain forms of invalid JSON [almalinux-9] AlmaLinux9.4 0Day (JIRA:AlmaLinux-28230) Full details, updated packages, references, and other related information: https://errata.almalinux.org/9/ALSA-2024-2550.html This message is automatically generated, please don’t reply. For further questions, please, contact us via the AlmaLinux community chat: https://chat.almalinux.org/. Want to change your notification settings? Sign in and manage mailing lists on https://lists.almalinux.org. Kind regards, AlmaLinux Team
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