[Security Advisory] ALSA-2024:2758: kernel security and bug fix update (Moderate)

Hi, You are receiving an AlmaLinux Security update email because you subscribed to receive errata notifications from AlmaLinux. AlmaLinux: 9 Type: Security Severity: Moderate Release date: 2024-11-03 Summary: The kernel packages contain the Linux kernel, the core of any Linux operating system. Security Fix(es): * kernel: Marvin vulnerability side-channel leakage in the RSA decryption operation (CVE-2023-6240) * CVE-2024-25743 hw: amd: Instruction raise #VC exception at exit (AMD-SN-3008,CVE-2024-25742,CVE-2024-25743) Bug Fix(es): * ffdhe* algortihms introduced in 0a2e5b909023 as .fips_allowed=1 lack pairwise consistency tests (JIRA:AlmaLinux-27009) * mm/mglru: fix underprotected page cache (JIRA:AlmaLinux-29235) * [EMR] [TBOOT OS] SUT could not go to S3 state with AlmaLinux 9.2 Tboot OS One CPU return -16 running BUSY (JIRA:AlmaLinux-29673) * system hangs completely - NMI not possible (JIRA:AlmaLinux-30678) * ice 0000:6f:00.0: PTP failed to get time (JIRA:AlmaLinux-30110) Full details, updated packages, references, and other related information: https://errata.almalinux.org/9/ALSA-2024-2758.html This message is automatically generated, please don’t reply. For further questions, please, contact us via the AlmaLinux community chat: https://chat.almalinux.org/. Want to change your notification settings? Sign in and manage mailing lists on https://lists.almalinux.org. Kind regards, AlmaLinux Team
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