Howdy, As these are both EPEL packages here is the proper way to request them: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/epel/epel-package-request/ Having said that, while EPEL 10 is quite populated already, there's still a lot of work underway branching and building everything from EPEL8/9 for 10 so odds are if you're patient it will be there soon :) PS - I'm the EPEL maintainer of remmina and it's definitely coming to EPEL10. On Tue, Feb 18, 2025 at 6:44 PM 蓝天白云 <592453120@qq.com> wrote:
您好! almalinux10 中没有sshpass软件包,almalinux9中是有sshpass软件包的。 安装epel-release,也没有remmina软件包。 请支持,谢谢!
------------------------------ 蓝天白云 592453120@qq.com
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