Hello everyone!
Welcome to this month’s AlmaLinux newsletter, where we share the latest
AlmaLinux happenings, upcoming events, and more!
Quick notes!
AlmaLinux OS 9.3
https://almalinux.org/blog/2023-11-13-announcing-93-stable/ and AlmaLinux
OS 8.9 https://almalinux.org/blog/2023-11-21-announcing-89-stable/ are
now available! More on these releases in the section below with the latest
from the AlmaLinux Blog.
CIS Benchmarks for AlmaLinux
https://almalinux.org/blog/2023-11-28-cis-benchmarks-update 8 have
been updated, and an update for AlmaLinux 9 is coming soon!
We will be back at FOSDEM in 2024, and we’re helping with the
Distributions Dev Room this year. Want to join us at this or another event?
Read how on the blog post
We have added a brand new guide to help folks moving from CentOS 7 to
AlmaLinux 9 using ELevate
The 2023 election is starting December 1st! Members will get an email,
but more info is available on the wiki
We’ve made some recent improvements to the mirror system (blog post
coming soon!). If you run one of our mirrors, take a look at your traffic,
and then reach out if you have any questions
Latest from the AlmaLinux BlogAnnouncing AlmaLinux Day Tokyo!
In case you missed it, earlier this month we announced AlmaLinux Day Tokyo!
This event will take place on December 9th, just a few days after Open
Source Summit Japan
https://events.linuxfoundation.org/open-source-summit-japan/. Reserve
your spot at AlmaLinux Day Tokyo now https://almalinux.org/aldt-2023/, or
you can catch the recordings on our YouTube channel
https://www.youtube.com/@almalinux6891 after the event.
CIS Benchmarks Update
We last posted about the AlmaLinux OS 8 CIS benchmark
almost two years ago. We’ve recently released the second update to that -
v3.0.0 https://workbench.cisecurity.org/benchmarks/15287 which was tested
on AlmaLinux 8.8 and are about to start working on the first update to
the AlmaLinux
OS 9 CIS benchmark https://www.cisecurity.org/benchmark/almalinuxos_linux
for 9.2. Check out this new blog post
https://almalinux.org/blog/2023-11-28-cis-benchmarks-update/ to learn
more about what this means, and how you can help!
Join us in the Distributions Dev Room for FOSDEM 2024!
In just over two months we’ll be returning to FOSDEM again with a stand
https://fosstodon.org/@almalinux/109806681564344149, a bunch of friends
https://social.linux.pizza/@benny/111468054707170805, and this time we
get to help host the Distros Dev Room! Read more about how to attend, plus
how you can join AlmaLinux at more events next year!
Announcing AlmaLinux 9.3 and 8.9!
This month we released both AlmaLinux OS 9.3
https://almalinux.org/blog/2023-11-13-announcing-93-stable/ “Shamrock
Pampas Cat” and AlmaLinux OS 8.9
https://almalinux.org/blog/2023-11-21-announcing-89-stable/ “Midnight
Oncilla”. These two builds are the first minor releases that we have done
since we shifted to using CentOS Stream
https://almalinux.org/blog/future-of-almalinux/ for our enterprise linux
builds in July. Both were ready within a week of RHEL’s release, and we are
extremely happy with our new build pipeline. Check the link to the blog
above for ISOs, torrents, release notes, and more, or watch this 2 minute
Q&A https://youtu.be/DNMnajmyLaA with benny (our foundation Chair) and
Andrew (our lead architect).
AlmaLinux Live
The year is almost over, but we have one more destination to go! We can’t
wait to see everyone in Tokyo for Open Source Summit Japan and AlmaLinux
Day Tokyo.
Open Source Summit
https://events.linuxfoundation.org/open-source-summit-japan/ -
December 3rd and 4th in Tokyo, Japan
AlmaLinux Day Tokyo https://almalinux.org/aldt-2023/ - December 9th in
Tokyo, Japan
What events would you like to see us at next year? Drop into the ~marketing
room https://chat.almalinux.org/almalinux/channels/marketing on our chat
and say hi, or just email benny