On 5/9/24 09:25, Morgan Read wrote:
Folks, Can` anyone point me in the direction of `pdfjam`? It seems part of `texlive` but doesn't get installed with it. It seems to be provided in the fedora build system for EL: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/rpminfo?rpmID=34352082 https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=26454
I'm a bit stumped with what to install for it.
rpmfind.net shows this: PDFjam is a small collection of shell scripts which provide a simple interface to some of the functionality of the excellent pdfpages package (by Andreas Matthias) for pdfLaTeX. At present the utilities available are: * pdfnup, which allows PDF files to be "n-upped" in roughly the way that psnup does for PostScript files; * pdfjoin, which concatenates the pages of multiple PDF files together into a single file; * pdf90, which rotates the pages of one or more PDF files through 90 degrees (anti-clockwise). In every case, source files are left unchanged. A potential drawback of these utilities is that any hyperlinks in the source PDF are lost. On the positive side, there is no appreciable degradation of image quality in processing PDF files with these programs, unlike some other indirect methods such as "pdf2ps | psnup | ps2pdf" (in the author's experience). https://rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=pdfjam&submit=Search+... OpenMandriva source rpms don't always compile cleanly in RedHat/Fedora/Alma, etc., so be prepared to do some tweaking. -- -John (JohnDThompson@gmail.com) Appleton, WI USA