Migrating Virtualmin Master Server from CentOS 7.9 to AlmaLinux 9.1

Subject: Migrating Virtualmin Master Server from CentOS 7.9 to AlmaLinux 9.1 Good day from Singapore, Author: Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming (TARGETED INDIVIDUAL) Country: Singapore Date: 15 Dec 2022 Thursday I have successfully migrated Virtualmin Master Server from CentOS 7.9 to AlmaLinux 9.1 on 14 Dec 2022 Wed from 4.00 PM to 7.30 PM Singapore Time. Even though I have a fever of 38.5 degrees C on 14 Dec 2022 Wed, I still managed to carry out the migration. As of 15 Dec 2022 Thursday at 4.30 PM, I still have a mild fever of 37.5 degrees C. Below are the detailed instructions. Special thanks to Jamie Cameron at Virtualmin.com for providing guidance. I am not migrating the slave DNS server yet. It is still running CentOS 7.9. DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS ====================== SECTION A - Installing Virtualmin 7.0.0 on new AlmaLinux 9.1 VPS ================================================================= # wget https://software.virtualmin.com/gpl/scripts/install.sh # /bin/sh install.sh Running Virtualmin 7 pre-installation setup: Syncing system time .. .. done Updating CA certificates .. .. done Welcome to the Virtualmin GPL installer, version 7.0.0 This script must be run on a freshly installed supported OS. It does not perform updates or upgrades (use your system package manager) or license changes (use the "virtualmin change-license" command). The systems currently supported by install script are: Red Hat Enterprise Linux and derivatives - RHEL 8 and 9 on x86_64 - Alma and Rocky 8 and 9 on x86_64 - CentOS 7 on x86_64 Debian Linux and derivatives - Debian 10 and 11 on i386 and amd64 - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and 22.04 LTS on i386 and amd64 If your OS/version/arch is not listed, installation will fail. More details about the systems supported by the script can be found here: https://www.virtualmin.com/os-support The selected package bundle is LAMP and the size of install is full. It will require up to 650 MB of disk space. Exit and re-run this script with --help flag to see available options. Continue? (y/n) y [INFO] Started installation log in /root/virtualmin-install.log ▣◻◻ Phase 1 of 3: Setup Installing core plugins for package manager [ ✔ ] Downloading Virtualmin 7 release package [ ✔ ] Installing Virtualmin 7 release package [ ✔ ] ▣▣◻ Phase 2 of 3: Installation Installing EPEL release package [ ✔ ] Enabling CRB package repository [ ✔ ] Cleaning up software repo metadata [ ✔ ] Checking and installing system packages updates [ ✔ ] Installing dependencies and system packages [ ✔ ] Installing Virtualmin 7 and all related packages [ ✔ ] Installing Virtualmin 7 and all related packages updates [ ✔ ] ▣▣▣ Phase 3 of 3: Configuration [1/21] Configuring AWStats [ ✔ ] [2/21] Configuring Apache [ ✔ ] [3/21] Configuring Bind [ ✔ ] [4/21] Configuring ClamAV [ ✔ ] [5/21] Configuring Dovecot [ ✔ ] [6/21] Configuring Etckeeper [ ✔ ] [7/21] Configuring Firewalld [ ✔ ] [8/21] Configuring MySQL [ ✔ ] [9/21] Configuring Postfix [ ✔ ] [10/21] Configuring ProFTPd [ ✔ ] [11/21] Configuring Procmail [ ✔ ] [12/21] Configuring Quotas [ ✔ ] [13/21] Configuring SASL [ ✔ ] [14/21] Configuring Shells [ ✔ ] [15/21] Configuring SpamAssassin [ ✔ ] [16/21] Configuring Status [ ✔ ] [17/21] Configuring Upgrade [ ✔ ] [18/21] Configuring Usermin [ ✔ ] [19/21] Configuring Webmin [ ✔ ] [20/21] Configuring Fail2banFirewalld [ ✔ ] [21/21] Configuring Virtualmin [ ✔ ] ▣▣▣ Cleaning up [SUCCESS] Installation Complete! [SUCCESS] If there were no errors above, Virtualmin should be ready [SUCCESS] to configure at https://vmi1122973.contaboserver.net:10000 (or [SUCCESS] You may receive a security warning in your browser on your first visit. [SUCCESS] Chromium based browsers, to bypass security warning screen may require [SUCCESS] you to type `thisisunsafe` to get to the login page. Post-Installation Wizard ========================= Introduction ============= This post-installation wizard allows you to configure Virtualmin optimally for your system. You can make selections depending on whether you want to host websites, email or databases, and based on your system's memory and CPU power. To continue, click the Next button below. To skip it and use the default settings, click Cancel. Click Next. Memory use =========== Virtualmin can be tuned to improve performance in its user interface and email processing, but at the cost of increased memory use. The best choice depends on how your system will be used. Preload Virtualmin libraries? Choose Yes, faster UI with more RAM used (≈40M) Run email domain lookup server? Choose Yes, faster mail processing with more RAM used (≈70M) Click Next. If your system is going to host domains that will receive a large amount of email, scanning incoming messages for viruses can generate high CPU load. Because scanning is done using the ClamAV scanning server clamd, it will consume RAM even when not processing email. If your system will not be hosting email, virus scanning can be disabled. Enable virus scanning with ClamAV? Choose Yes, uses up to 2G of RAM Click Next. Spam filtering ================== If your system is going to host domains that will receive a large amount of email, filtering incoming messages for spam can generate significant CPU load. This is due to CPU use by the SpamAssassin mail filter when it is started, which can be avoided by running the SpamAssassin filter server spamd in the background. This consumes RAM, but reduces CPU load and makes mail processing faster. Run SpamAssassin server filter? Choose Yes, faster mail processing with more RAM used (≈30M) and no per-domain settings Click Next. Database servers ================ Virtualmin supports both the MariaDB and PostgreSQL database servers, but you might want to run only one (or neither) on your system. Each consumes RAM when running, even if they are not being used. Depending on the websites and applications you plan to host, running MariaDB only may be enough, as most web applications do not support or require PostgreSQL. If your system will only be used for mail or DNS hosting, there is no need to run either. Run MariaDB database server? Yes Run PostgreSQL database server? No Click Next. MariaDB password ================ To prevent other users on your system from managing the MariaDB database, a password for the root user should be set. Currently the MariaDB password is not set, which is highly insecure. Set MariaDB password: <removed> Click Next. DNS configuration ================== For DNS zones created by Virtualmin to be resolvable, the primary nameserver record for each zone must be set to something that can itself be resolved by other systems on the Internet. Primary nameserver: ns1.turritopsis-dohrnii-teo-en-ming.com Click Skip check for resolvability. Secondary nameservers (optional): ns2.turritopsis-dohrnii-teo-en-ming.com Click Next. All done ========= Virtualmin post-installation configuration is now complete! However, you can continue with the wizard to configure optional features. Click Next. Password storage ================= Virtualmin gives you the option of storing plain-text passwords for virtual servers and mailboxes, or storing only one-way encrypted (hashed) passwords. Plain text passwords are more convenient, but less secure if your system is compromised. However, with hashed passwords enabled, password recovery for virtual servers will not be not possible, and database password for new servers will be different from the administration password, and will be randomly generated. Password storage mode: Only store hashed passwords Click Next. MariaDB database size ====================== MariaDB can be configured to trade off memory use for performance, depending on how much RAM your system has and how heavily you expect the database to be used. MariaDB configuration size: Keep MariaDB system defaults Click Next. SSL key directory ================== Virtualmin gives you the option of keeping SSL certificates and keys in each virtual server's home directory, or another location under /etc. The former is easier to manage, but introduces the risk that server owners may cause your webserver to fail to start if they delete the certificate file. Location for SSL certificates: Per-domain directory under /etc/ssl/virtualmin Click Next. Virtualmin can create a default virtual server that will serve web requests to your system that don't match any other domain. It can also be used to request a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate for use by Virtualmin's own UI. Setup default virtual server? No, thanks Click Next. Additional post-installation configuration is now complete! Click Finish. SECTION B - Backing up Virtualmin Virtual Servers on old CentOS 7.9 VPS ======================================================================== Refer to my guide. Reference guide: Have I performed my backups using Virtualmin GUI correctly? Link a: https://sourceforge.net/p/webadmin/mailman/message/37744989/ Link b: https://marc.info/?l=webmin-l&m=167038794008036&w=2 SECTION C - Transferring Backup Files From CentOS 7.9 VPS to AlmaLinux 9.1 VPS =============================================================================== Download all the 20 backup files from CentOS 7.9 Linux server to your laptop using WinSCP. Upload all the 20 backup files from your laptop to AlmaLinux 9.1 server using WinSCP. The backup files should be uploaded to /restore directory on AlmaLinux 9.1 server. SECTION D - Restore Backups in AlmaLinux 9.1 Server ==================================================== Login to Virtualmin. Click Backup and Restore. Click Restore Virtual Servers. Restore Virtual Servers Page ============================= Source and format ================== Restore source: Local file or directory Click and choose /restore Features and settings ===================== Features to restore: Restore all features Virtualmin settings to restore: Select all Other restore options ===================== Re-allocate UIDs and GID: Yes Just re-import server details: No Delete and re-create virtual servers: No IPv4 address for restored servers: Shared, on IP IPv6 address for restored servers: Shared, on IP 2a02:c206:2112:2973:0000:0000:0000:0001 Click Show What Will Be Restored Checking contents of the backup .. .. found 6 virtual servers and 8 global virtualmin settings Information! The following features were enabled in one or more of the domains in the backup, but are not enabled : Webalizer reporting Without them, some functions of the restored virtual servers may not work. Warning! Are you sure you want to restore the selected domains and features from local file /restore? Any existing data for the features in these domains will be over-written! Click government-of-the-multiverse.online (Server does not exist, will be re-created) Virtual server password, description and other details Administration user's password, quota and Cron jobs Records in DNS domain, except SOA Mail/FTP users and mail aliases Apache webserver configuration Apache SSL webserver configuration and certificate Logrotate configuration for log file Contents of server's MariaDB databases Spam filtering Webmin ACL files Server's home directory and web pages AWStats configuration file Click shaunlohxiaowen.xyz (Server does not exist, will be re-created) Virtual server password, description and other details Administration user's password, quota and Cron jobs Records in DNS domain, except SOA Mail/FTP users and mail aliases Apache webserver configuration Apache SSL webserver configuration and certificate Logrotate configuration for log file Contents of server's MariaDB databases Spam filtering Webmin ACL files Server's home directory and web pages AWStats configuration file Click teo-en-ming-corp.com (Server does not exist, will be re-created) Virtual server password, description and other details Administration user's password, quota and Cron jobs Records in DNS domain, except SOA Mail/FTP users and mail aliases Apache webserver configuration Apache SSL webserver configuration and certificate Logrotate configuration for log file Contents of server's MariaDB databases Spam filtering Webmin ACL files Server's home directory and web pages AWStats configuration file Click teo-en-ming.com (Server does not exist, will be re-created) Virtual server password, description and other details Administration user's password, quota and Cron jobs Records in DNS domain, except SOA Mail/FTP users and mail aliases Apache webserver configuration Apache SSL webserver configuration and certificate Logrotate configuration for log file Contents of server's MariaDB databases Spam filtering Webmin ACL files Server's home directory and web pages AWStats configuration file Click theonlinecitizens.com (Server does not exist, will be re-created) Virtual server password, description and other details Administration user's password, quota and Cron jobs Records in DNS domain, except SOA Mail/FTP users and mail aliases Apache webserver configuration Apache SSL webserver configuration and certificate Logrotate configuration for log file Contents of server's MariaDB databases Spam filtering Webmin ACL files Server's home directory and web pages AWStats configuration file Click turritopsis-dohrnii-teo-en-ming.com (Server does not exist, will be re-created) Virtual server password, description and other details Administration user's password, quota and Cron jobs Records in DNS domain, except SOA Mail/FTP users and mail aliases Apache webserver configuration Apache SSL webserver configuration and certificate Logrotate configuration for log file Contents of server's MariaDB databases Spam filtering Webmin ACL files Server's home directory and web pages AWStats configuration file Click Virtualmin configuration settings Virtualmin configuration Custom fields, links and shells New user email messages Mail server settings Scheduled Virtualmin backups Third-party script installers Server templates and plans Click Restore Now. Checking contents of the backup .. .. found 6 virtual servers and 8 global virtualmin settings Starting restore of 6 domains from local file /restore .. Extracting backup archive files .. .. done Restoring Virtualmin settings .. Restoring Virtualmin configuration .. .. done Restoring templates and plans .. .. done Restoring email templates .. .. done Restoring custom fields, links, categories and shells .. .. done Restoring custom script installers .. .. done Restoring scheduled backups and keys .. .. done Restoring DKIM settings .. Finding virtual servers to enable DKIM for .. .. no virtual servers with DNS and email enabled were found, but enabling for 1 extra domains Extracting public key from private key in /etc/opendkim/keys/default.private .. .. done Setting domain and selector in DKIM filter configuration .. .. done Enabling DKIM filter at boot time .. .. done Starting DKIM filter .. .. done Configuring mail server to use DKIM filter .. .. done .. done Restoring greylisting settings .. .. leaving disabled Restoring rate limiting settings .. .. leaving disabled Restoring mail server configuration .. .. done .. done Re-creating virtual server government-of-the-multiverse.online .. Creating administration group government-of-the-multiverse .. .. done Creating administration user government-of-the-multiverse .. .. done Creating aliases for administration user .. .. done Adding administration user to groups .. .. done Creating home directory .. .. done Creating mailbox for administration user .. .. done Adding new DNS zone .. .. done Adding to email domains list .. .. done Adding default mail aliases .. .. done Adding DKIM records to DNS domain government-of-the-multiverse.online .. .. added successfully Adding new virtual website .. .. done Starting FCGIwrap server .. .. done Adding webserver user apache to server's group .. .. done Performing other Apache configuration .. .. done Setting up scheduled Webalizer reporting .. .. Webalizer reporting failed! : Webalizer config file /etc/webalizer.conf does not exist! Creating SSL certificate and private key .. .. done Adding new SSL virtual website .. .. done Setting up log file rotation .. .. done Creating MariaDB login .. .. done Creating MariaDB database government_of_the_multiverse .. .. done Setting up spam filtering .. .. done Setting up virus filtering .. .. done Setting up AWStats reporting .. .. done Setting up password protection for AWStats .. .. done Creating Webmin user .. .. done Saving server details .. .. done Re-starting DNS server .. .. done Applying web server configuration .. .. done Re-loading Webmin .. .. done Re-starting Usermin .. .. done Restarting mail server .. .. done Restoring backup for virtual server government-of-the-multiverse.online .. Restoring virtual server password, quota and other details .. .. done Updating administration password and quotas .. .. done Restoring Cron jobs .. .. done Extracting TAR file of home directory .. .. done Setting ownership of home directory .. .. done Re-creating records in DNS domain .. .. done Restoring Apache virtual host configuration .. .. done Checking restored PHP execution mode .. .. mode FCGId cannot be used, switching to FPM. Updating PHP FPM configuration .. .. no fixes needed Restoring Apache log files .. .. done Restoring SSL Apache virtual host configuration and certificate .. .. done Restoring Logrotate configuration .. .. done Restoring allowed MariaDB hosts .. .. done Re-loading MariaDB database government_of_the_multiverse .. .. done Re-loading MariaDB database government_of_the_multiverse_roundcube .. Creating MariaDB database government_of_the_multiverse_roundcube .. .. done .. done Restoring SpamAssassin and Procmail configurations .. .. done Restoring Webmin ACL files .. .. done Restoring AWStats configuration file .. .. done Re-creating mail and FTP users .. .. done Re-creating mail aliases .. .. done Restoring mail and FTP user Cron jobs .. .. done Updating Webmin user .. .. done Re-creating virtual server shaunlohxiaowen.xyz .. Creating administration group shaun .. .. done Creating administration user shaun .. .. done Creating aliases for administration user .. .. done Adding administration user to groups .. .. done Creating home directory .. .. done Creating mailbox for administration user .. .. done Adding new DNS zone .. .. done Adding to email domains list .. .. done Adding default mail aliases .. .. done Adding DKIM records to DNS domain shaunlohxiaowen.xyz .. .. added successfully Adding new virtual website .. .. done Starting FCGIwrap server .. .. done Adding webserver user apache to server's group .. .. done Performing other Apache configuration .. .. done Setting up scheduled Webalizer reporting .. .. Webalizer reporting failed! : Webalizer config file /etc/webalizer.conf does not exist! Creating SSL certificate and private key .. .. done Adding new SSL virtual website .. .. done Setting up log file rotation .. .. done Creating MariaDB login .. .. done Creating MariaDB database shaun .. .. done Setting up spam filtering .. .. done Setting up virus filtering .. .. done Setting up AWStats reporting .. .. done Setting up password protection for AWStats .. .. done Creating Webmin user .. .. done Saving server details .. .. done Re-starting DNS server .. .. done Restarting PHP-FPM 8.0 server .. .. done Applying web server configuration .. .. done Re-loading Webmin .. .. done Re-starting Usermin .. .. done Restoring backup for virtual server shaunlohxiaowen.xyz .. Restoring virtual server password, quota and other details .. .. done Updating administration password and quotas .. .. done Restoring Cron jobs .. .. done Extracting TAR file of home directory .. .. done Setting ownership of home directory .. .. done Re-creating records in DNS domain .. .. done Restoring Apache virtual host configuration .. .. done Checking restored PHP execution mode .. .. mode FCGId cannot be used, switching to FPM. Updating PHP FPM configuration .. .. no fixes needed Restoring Apache log files .. .. done Restoring SSL Apache virtual host configuration and certificate .. .. done Restoring Logrotate configuration .. .. done Restoring allowed MariaDB hosts .. .. done Re-loading MariaDB database shaun .. .. done Re-loading MariaDB database shaun_roundcube .. Creating MariaDB database shaun_roundcube .. .. done .. done Restoring SpamAssassin and Procmail configurations .. .. done Restoring Webmin ACL files .. .. done Restoring AWStats configuration file .. .. done Re-creating mail and FTP users .. .. done Re-creating mail aliases .. .. done Restoring mail and FTP user Cron jobs .. .. done Updating Webmin user .. .. done Re-creating virtual server teo-en-ming-corp.com .. Creating administration group ceo .. .. done Creating administration user ceo .. .. done Creating aliases for administration user .. .. done Adding administration user to groups .. .. done Creating home directory .. .. done Creating mailbox for administration user .. .. done Adding new DNS zone .. .. done Adding to email domains list .. .. done Adding default mail aliases .. .. done Adding DKIM records to DNS domain teo-en-ming-corp.com .. .. added successfully Adding new virtual website .. .. done Starting FCGIwrap server .. .. done Adding webserver user apache to server's group .. .. done Performing other Apache configuration .. .. done Setting up scheduled Webalizer reporting .. .. Webalizer reporting failed! : Webalizer config file /etc/webalizer.conf does not exist! Creating SSL certificate and private key .. .. done Adding new SSL virtual website .. .. done Setting up log file rotation .. .. done Creating MariaDB login .. .. done Creating MariaDB database ceo .. .. done Setting up spam filtering .. .. done Setting up virus filtering .. .. done Setting up AWStats reporting .. .. done Setting up password protection for AWStats .. .. done Creating Webmin user .. .. done Saving server details .. .. done Re-starting DNS server .. .. done Restarting PHP-FPM 8.0 server .. .. done Applying web server configuration .. .. done Re-loading Webmin .. .. done Re-starting Usermin .. .. done Restoring backup for virtual server teo-en-ming-corp.com .. Restoring virtual server password, quota and other details .. .. done Updating administration password and quotas .. .. done Restoring Cron jobs .. .. done Extracting TAR file of home directory .. .. done Setting ownership of home directory .. .. done Re-creating records in DNS domain .. .. done Restoring Apache virtual host configuration .. .. done Checking restored PHP execution mode .. .. mode FCGId cannot be used, switching to FPM. Updating PHP FPM configuration .. .. no fixes needed Restoring Apache log files .. .. done Restoring SSL Apache virtual host configuration and certificate .. .. done Restoring Logrotate configuration .. .. done Restoring allowed MariaDB hosts .. .. done Re-loading MariaDB database ceo .. .. done Re-loading MariaDB database ceo_roundcube .. Creating MariaDB database ceo_roundcube .. .. done .. done Restoring SpamAssassin and Procmail configurations .. .. done Restoring Webmin ACL files .. .. done Restoring AWStats configuration file .. .. done Re-creating mail and FTP users .. .. done Re-creating mail aliases .. .. done Restoring mail and FTP user Cron jobs .. .. done Updating Webmin user .. .. done Re-creating virtual server teo-en-ming.com .. Creating administration group teo-en-ming .. .. done Creating administration user teo-en-ming .. .. done Creating aliases for administration user .. .. done Adding administration user to groups .. .. done Creating home directory .. .. done Creating mailbox for administration user .. .. done Adding new DNS zone .. .. done Adding to email domains list .. .. done Adding default mail aliases .. .. done Adding DKIM records to DNS domain teo-en-ming.com .. .. added successfully Adding new virtual website .. .. done Starting FCGIwrap server .. .. done Adding webserver user apache to server's group .. .. done Performing other Apache configuration .. .. done Setting up scheduled Webalizer reporting .. .. Webalizer reporting failed! : Webalizer config file /etc/webalizer.conf does not exist! Creating SSL certificate and private key .. .. done Adding new SSL virtual website .. .. done Setting up log file rotation .. .. done Creating MariaDB login .. .. done Creating MariaDB database teo_en_ming .. .. done Setting up spam filtering .. .. done Setting up virus filtering .. .. done Setting up AWStats reporting .. .. done Setting up password protection for AWStats .. .. done Creating Webmin user .. .. done Saving server details .. .. done Re-starting DNS server .. .. done Restarting PHP-FPM 8.0 server .. .. done Applying web server configuration .. .. done Re-loading Webmin .. .. done Re-starting Usermin .. .. done Restoring backup for virtual server teo-en-ming.com .. Restoring virtual server password, quota and other details .. .. done Updating administration password and quotas .. .. done Restoring Cron jobs .. .. done Extracting TAR file of home directory .. .. done Setting ownership of home directory .. .. done Re-creating records in DNS domain .. .. done Restoring Apache virtual host configuration .. .. done Checking restored PHP execution mode .. .. mode FCGId cannot be used, switching to FPM. Updating PHP FPM configuration .. .. no fixes needed Restoring Apache log files .. .. done Restoring SSL Apache virtual host configuration and certificate .. .. done Restoring Logrotate configuration .. .. done Restoring allowed MariaDB hosts .. .. done Re-loading MariaDB database teo_en_ming .. .. done Re-loading MariaDB database teo_en_ming_roundcube .. Creating MariaDB database teo_en_ming_roundcube .. .. done .. done Restoring SpamAssassin and Procmail configurations .. .. done Restoring Webmin ACL files .. .. done Restoring AWStats configuration file .. .. done Re-creating mail and FTP users .. .. done Re-creating mail aliases .. .. done Restoring mail and FTP user Cron jobs .. .. done Updating Webmin user .. .. done Re-creating virtual server theonlinecitizens.com .. Creating administration group theonlinecitizens .. .. done Creating administration user theonlinecitizens .. .. done Creating aliases for administration user .. .. done Adding administration user to groups .. .. done Creating home directory .. .. done Creating mailbox for administration user .. .. done Adding new DNS zone .. .. done Adding to email domains list .. .. done Adding default mail aliases .. .. done Adding DKIM records to DNS domain theonlinecitizens.com .. .. added successfully Adding new virtual website .. .. done Starting FCGIwrap server .. .. done Adding webserver user apache to server's group .. .. done Performing other Apache configuration .. .. done Setting up scheduled Webalizer reporting .. .. Webalizer reporting failed! : Webalizer config file /etc/webalizer.conf does not exist! Creating SSL certificate and private key .. .. done Adding new SSL virtual website .. .. done Setting up log file rotation .. .. done Creating MariaDB login .. .. done Creating MariaDB database theonlinecitizens .. .. done Setting up spam filtering .. .. done Setting up virus filtering .. .. done Setting up AWStats reporting .. .. done Setting up password protection for AWStats .. .. done Creating Webmin user .. .. done Saving server details .. .. done Re-starting DNS server .. .. done Restarting PHP-FPM 8.0 server .. .. done Applying web server configuration .. .. done Re-loading Webmin .. .. done Re-starting Usermin .. .. done Restoring backup for virtual server theonlinecitizens.com .. Restoring virtual server password, quota and other details .. .. done Updating administration password and quotas .. .. done Restoring Cron jobs .. .. done Extracting TAR file of home directory .. .. done Setting ownership of home directory .. .. done Re-creating records in DNS domain .. .. done Restoring Apache virtual host configuration .. .. done Checking restored PHP execution mode .. .. mode FCGId cannot be used, switching to FPM. Updating PHP FPM configuration .. .. no fixes needed Restoring Apache log files .. .. done Restoring SSL Apache virtual host configuration and certificate .. .. done Restoring Logrotate configuration .. .. done Restoring allowed MariaDB hosts .. .. done Re-loading MariaDB database theonlinecitizens .. .. done Re-loading MariaDB database theonlinecitizens_roundcube .. Creating MariaDB database theonlinecitizens_roundcube .. .. done .. done Restoring SpamAssassin and Procmail configurations .. .. done Restoring Webmin ACL files .. .. done Restoring AWStats configuration file .. .. done Re-creating mail and FTP users .. .. done Re-creating mail aliases .. .. done Restoring mail and FTP user Cron jobs .. .. done Updating Webmin user .. .. done Re-creating virtual server turritopsis-dohrnii-teo-en-ming.com .. Creating administration group turritopsis-dohrnii-teo-en-ming .. .. done Creating administration user turritopsis-dohrnii-teo-en-ming .. .. done Creating aliases for administration user .. .. done Adding administration user to groups .. .. done Creating home directory .. .. done Creating mailbox for administration user .. .. done Adding new DNS zone .. .. done Adding to email domains list .. .. done Adding default mail aliases .. .. done Adding DKIM records to DNS domain turritopsis-dohrnii-teo-en-ming.com .. .. added successfully Adding new virtual website .. .. done Starting FCGIwrap server .. .. done Adding webserver user apache to server's group .. .. done Performing other Apache configuration .. .. done Setting up scheduled Webalizer reporting .. .. Webalizer reporting failed! : Webalizer config file /etc/webalizer.conf does not exist! Creating SSL certificate and private key .. .. done Adding new SSL virtual website .. .. done Setting up log file rotation .. .. done Creating MariaDB login .. .. done Creating MariaDB database turritopsis_dohrnii_teo_en_ming .. .. done Setting up spam filtering .. .. done Setting up virus filtering .. .. done Setting up AWStats reporting .. .. done Setting up password protection for AWStats .. .. done Creating Webmin user .. .. done Saving server details .. .. done Re-starting DNS server .. .. done Restarting PHP-FPM 8.0 server .. .. done Applying web server configuration .. .. done Re-loading Webmin .. .. done Re-starting Usermin .. .. done Restoring backup for virtual server turritopsis-dohrnii-teo-en-ming.com .. Restoring virtual server password, quota and other details .. .. done Updating administration password and quotas .. .. done Restoring Cron jobs .. .. done Extracting TAR file of home directory .. .. done Setting ownership of home directory .. .. done Re-creating records in DNS domain .. .. done Restoring Apache virtual host configuration .. .. done Checking restored PHP execution mode .. .. mode FCGId cannot be used, switching to FPM. Updating PHP FPM configuration .. .. no fixes needed Restoring Apache log files .. .. done Restoring SSL Apache virtual host configuration and certificate .. .. done Restoring Logrotate configuration .. .. done Restoring allowed MariaDB hosts .. .. done Re-loading MariaDB database turritopsis_dohrnii_teo_en_ming .. .. done Re-loading MariaDB database turritopsis_dohrnii_teo_en_ming_roundcube .. Creating MariaDB database turritopsis_dohrnii_teo_en_ming_roundcube .. .. done .. done Re-loading MariaDB database turritopsis_dohrnii_teo_en_ming_roundcube_2 .. Creating MariaDB database turritopsis_dohrnii_teo_en_ming_roundcube_2 .. .. done .. done Restoring SpamAssassin and Procmail configurations .. .. done Restoring Webmin ACL files .. .. done Restoring AWStats configuration file .. .. done Re-creating mail and FTP users .. .. done Re-creating mail aliases .. .. done Restoring mail and FTP user Cron jobs .. .. done Updating Webmin user .. .. done Enabling PHP modules for restored scripts .. .. no PHP modules needed to be installed WARNING - The following scripts used PHP versions that are not available : government-of-the-multiverse.online - RoundCube - Version 7.2 government-of-the-multiverse.online - SquirrelMail - Version 7.2 shaunlohxiaowen.xyz - RoundCube - Version 7.2 teo-en-ming-corp.com - SquirrelMail - Version 7.2 teo-en-ming-corp.com - RoundCube - Version 7.2 teo-en-ming.com - SquirrelMail - Version 7.2 teo-en-ming.com - RoundCube - Version 7.2 theonlinecitizens.com - RoundCube - Version 7.2 turritopsis-dohrnii-teo-en-ming.com - RoundCube - Version 7.2 Re-starting DNS server .. .. done Restarting PHP-FPM 8.0 server .. .. done Applying web server configuration .. .. done Re-loading Webmin .. .. done Re-starting Usermin .. .. done .. restore complete. SECTION E - Changing IP Address of Virtualmin Master Server (Primary DNS Server) at your Domain Registrar ========================================================================================================== Refer to the following guide. Reference guide: [NAMECHEAP] How can I update my personal nameserver's IP address? Link: https://www.namecheap.com/support/knowledgebase/article.aspx/292/10/how-can-... SECTION F - Checking Virtualmin Configuration =============================================== The status of your system is being checked to ensure that all enabled features are available and properly configured .. Your system has 7.5 GiB of memory, which is at or above the Virtualmin recommended minimum of 256 MiB BIND DNS server is installed Mail server Postfix is installed and configured Postfix is configured to support per-domain outgoing IP addresses PHP execution mode fcgid was selected in the default template, but is not supported on this system, and now will be changed to none Apache is installed CGI scripts can be executed using FCGIwrap Apache supports HTTP/2 on your system The following PHP execution modes are available : fpm The following PHP-FPM versions are available : 8.0.20 (php-fpm) PHP versions have changed to 8.0 since last check. Regenerating any missing php.ini files Webalizer does not appear to be installed on your system, or has not yet been set up properly in Webmin's Webalizer Logfile Analysis module. If your system does not use Webalizer, it should be disabled in Virtualmin's module configuration page .. your system is not ready for use by Virtualmin SECTION G - System Information =============================== System hostname vmi1122973.contaboserver.net ( Operating system AlmaLinux 9.1 Webmin version 2.001 Usermin version 1.860 Virtualmin version 7.3 Authentic theme version 20.01.1:5 Time on system Wednesday, December 14, 2022 10:35 AM Kernel and CPU Linux 5.14.0-162.6.1.el9_1.x86_64 on x86_64 Processor information AMD EPYC 7282 16-Core Processor, 4 cores System uptime 19 hours, 12 minutes Running processes 171 CPU load averages 0.28 (1 min) 0.37 (5 mins) 0.41 (15 mins) Real memory 2.43 GiB used / 4.71 GiB cached / 7.5 GiB total Local disk space 17.53 GiB used / 178.22 GiB free / 195.76 GiB total Package updates All installed packages are up to date SECTION H - Tying up some loose ends for the Slave DNS Server =============================================================== Part 1 ======= Because I haven't migrate the slave DNS server (it is still running CentOS 7.9), we need to tie up some loose ends. Use the following guide. Reference guide: [PART 8 - DRAFT 2] [Virtualmin and Webmin] Teo En Ming's Notes for Setting Up Slave DNS Server Link a: https://sourceforge.net/p/webadmin/mailman/message/37373922/ Link b: https://marc.info/?l=webmin-l&m=163528877500627&w=2 Link c: https://pastebin.com/raw/hVShREH6 Part 2 ======= Then you need to login to the Webmin of the slave DNS server. Click Servers > BIND DNS Server For EACH AND EVERY DNS Zone, click on the DNS Zone. Click Edit Zone Options. Master servers: Allow transfers from.. Click Listed.. and then specify Click Save. Part 3 ======= Putty/SSH into the slave DNS server. # systemctl restart named Run the below command for every domain name. # rndc reload <domain name> Reference guide: Force dns zone transfer Link: https://archive.virtualmin.com/node/14479 CONCLUSION ========== You have successfully migrated your Virtualmin master server from CentOS 7.9 to AlmaLinux 9.1! ADDITIONAL READING MATERIALS ============================== Reference guide: [8-Part Series] Complete Guide to Setting Up Virtualmin Web Hosting Control Panel with Master and Slave DNS Servers Configuration Link a: https://sourceforge.net/p/webadmin/mailman/message/37373937/ Link b: https://marc.info/?l=webmin-l&m=163529128901657&w=2 Regards, Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming Targeted Individual in Singapore Blogs: https://tdtemcerts.blogspot.com https://tdtemcerts.wordpress.com
participants (1)
Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming