Hi, searching on the web I found this: https://access.redhat.com/solutions/7040687 (it requires a rhel login to view the resolution).
They report:
"It is expected behavior. Please ignore the service status because the libvirtd.service will wake up when some management app connects to its socket. If the service does not wake up or work correctly, please open the support case."
They suggest to run "virsh list" and libvirtd should wake up but this not happens because running 'systemctl status libvirtd' I get dead. The same when running Virt-Mamanager or managing VMs with cockpit.
This is a bug? libvirtd does not wake up when needed and I can't open support case.
Any help is appreciated.
Hi, I noticed also that if I start libvirtd and run virt-manager (before the timeout) it becomes died before its timeout.